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Artist in Residence Durham Castle (UNESCO World Heritage Site)  2015-16


Photographic series with archival texts, installation within historic collections, video 


This series of photographs, texts and a video work was produced as a result of a five-month residency at Durham Castle over the winter of 2015-16. The works respond to the castle’s history as a site of government and latterly as home to Durham University’s ‘University College’, known as the founding college as in 1832 it marked the inception of the first University in the North of England. The exhibition featured three different but related bodies of work drawing on photographic and archival research related to the Castle and installed within its existing collections and architecture. The work is deliberately open-ended, allowing it to form a dialogue with the castle as a context and to frame broader questions about the relationship of the heritage site to the region it once governed. This work went on to be exhibited at Northern Gallery for Contemporary Art in Sunderland, a city which was at one time part of the historic county of Durham.

















Works: Public and Private (digital photographic prints and archival texts), 


Views of the Town and Country (after Lorenzetti)  C-type photographic prints


Aesop’s Feast (9 mins looped video)




Please follow this link to watch the film on vimeo.


This project has been supported by the SCR at University College and CVAC, Durham University as well as Arts Council England.  Thanks also to the staff and students of University College, Palace Green Library

 Deputy Curator Gemma Lewis, Alistair Robinson (NGCA) and Dr Hazel Donkin who commissioned the work.

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